Hair Therapy
Cultivating the conversation around Hair & Scalp health and Hair Loss. Whether you are in the Hair industry and would like to delve deeper into Hair Loss & Scalp conditions, have experienced or are suffering from some kind of alopecia or scalp problem, or would like to offer support to someone who has, think of this as your audio resource Library for everything you would like to know about all aspects of Hair & scalp health & hair life! Delving into all the aspects of: ~ Trichology ~ Expert Interviews ~ Real life stories ~ Nutrition ~ Hair products ~ General and mental wellbeing ~ Treatment options ~ Hair replacement systems & wigs ~ Hair transplants ~ SPMU & micropigmentation ~ DNA testing and much more.
Hair Therapy
Living and working with trichotillomania ~ from hairdresser and client perspective
Living and working with trichotillomania ~ from hairdresser and client perspective
Sarah & Liz:
Sarah Sullivan is a hairdresser & educator. She trained in extensions, which led her to train in hair systems and wigs. This then inspired her to further train in trichology, and she now runs a private hair salon and separate air loss clinic.
Liz has had trichotillomania since she was 10. She lost all her hair after witnessing a traumatic car accident. As her hair grew back, she began to focus on it and notice its different textures. She didn't like it as the hairs grew back curly.
Over the years she has been able to manage her compulsion and recognise the triggers. Sometimes she is able to control the compulsion and sometimes she is not.
Liz always dreaded going to the salon to get her hair done. She had high anxiety and people used to point and stare at her which made her feel intimidated.
Since she has found a hairdresser with a knowledge and understanding of hair loss who has a private environment, she says it has taken the stress out of getting her hair done. She now enjoys getting her hair done.
We discuss the best way to approach a client or family member with this condition, and various areas of treatment.
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