Hair Therapy

Mohs surgery & skin cancer ~ how to recognise the signs

Kate Holohan W/ Dr Rex Season 9 Episode 6

Mohs surgery & skin cancer ~ how to recognise the signs

Dr Rex, a dermatologist who treats skin & scalp conditions is back once more to discuss the different types of skin cancer, and what to look for if you notice something suspicious on a client or patient's skin or scalp.

We discuss Mohs surgery, and how it is used to incrementally remove skin cancer without removing large areas of skin, leading to reduced scarring & better healing.

Dr Rex describes how to recognise lesions such as basal cell & squamous cell carcinomas and melanomas, so that you will know when to advise a patient or client to go and get their mole or lesion checked out.

We also discuss how skin cancers may appear differently on darker skin types along with common traits.

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