Hair Therapy

We are as strong as we are fragile ~ Hair loss and self esteem

Kate Holohan W/ Clarissa Burt Season 9 Episode 4

We are as strong as we are fragile ~ Hair loss and self esteem

Dame Clarissa Burt is from the US, and is currently in Italy. She was a model for a long time, and is now creating her own wig brand, along with producing a self esteem book which she refers to as a manual, where she encourages you to be your own cheerleader, challenging how you speak to yourself.

She also shares her story of how she experienced hair loss no less than four times, all from different factors! She describes how each time was very distressing, and how hair loss can have a huge impact on your self esteem and the way you see yourself.

Clarissa lists the four pillars of self esteem and her set of values to live by for a positive life.

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