Hair Therapy

Miniaturisation of the hair follicles ~ Can this be reversed?

Kate Holohan W/ Sergio Cardona Season 8 Episode 20

Miniaturisation of the hair follicles ~ Can this be reversed?

Sergio Cardona is a second generation Trichologist, following in the footsteps of his Father, who he worked alongside as well as being his mentor.

We discuss hair miniaturisation, how it happens, how to recognise it, and whether the process is reversible, along with the differences between telogen effluvium and androgenic alopecia.

Sergio shares how hair shedding can have an effect on the hair follicle, and the exact point that the hair reduces where it can no longer be reversed. He also shares how telogen effluvium may show signs of hair miniaturisation but that it doesnt compromise the hair follicle in the same way that genetic hair loss might.

He describes how to detect why the hair is thinning and what is causing it, along with the importance of creating a specific time line.

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