Hair Therapy

Supporting hair growth through chemical burns, scarring alopecia and menopause.

Kate Holohan W/ Angela Fields Season 8 Episode 2

Supporting hair growth through chemical burns, scarring alopecia and menopause.

Angela Fields is from Florida. She first experienced issues with her hair when she suffered from chemical burns, following the use of relaxer to straighten her hair.
She then began to experience thinning in perimenopause, and discovered that she had a deficiency in Vitamin D.
After these issues were resolved, she then developed a scarring condition, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, known as CCCA, and has had to undergo scalp injections and biopsies to help to identify and treat this .
Hair health at this point became extremely important to Angela, but, as she has an allergy to fragrances, she found that she was unable to use  96- 98% of haircare on the market that contains fragrance. She decided to make something for herself in her kitchen, but after being laid off from her job in the corporate world she was pushed to take the product range to market.

She now works to help & support those with hair health concerns, particularly leading up to the menopause, and has created a supportive community where she offers education and advice.

Connect with Angela:

 Virtual Course - Ageless Tresses: Navigating Hair Health Through Menopause And Beyond

Curl Quiz





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